My number 1 favorite sleep product

When it comes to sleep products that are worth the money, my list is pretty short. I’m all for swaddles, and sleep sacks. I’m all about a room darkening blind. But my absolute favorite product is always going to be the Hatch Rest. Why you ask? Well let me tell you!

The Hatch Rest is a sound machine but also doubles as a night light, and an okay to wake light. This means that it will be around for many years in my house. I got one when my baby was born, and I used it as a nightlight for diaper changes and feedings. I used the white noise from day one and at the age of 4, my daughter is still using white noise. The sound level has gone significantly lower, which a feature I love, as she has gotten older. I also LOVE the light feature of making it an “okay to wake” light. When babies become toddlers, they start to think about things when they wake up and still don’t know how to tell time. They may call for you out of boredom solely because they think it may be time to wake up, even if it is 3am. It is hard to convince a toddler of what the “middle of the night” is when they have no proof. They feel awake, so why not start the day? Well, you and I know why… because they will be tired again soon and a monster otherwise and 3am is NOT the start of my day.

I enjoy this feature because I can se the parameters from my phone, and if anything changes throughout the night, ie. she wakes up 10 minutes before the “green” light and she is upset about something, I can change the light from my phone to green and still celebrate a win. When teaching my daughter to understand the red and green light we had plenty of hiccups and plenty of times where she just wanted to check the boundaries. There were many conversations of “red means bed” and “we can talk about that when your light is green”. She eventually learned and now does so well with it that I don’t know how people survive without one!

This product is my favorite. We travel with it, my parents have one for sleepovers, and it is adjustable as bedtime adjusts and life adjusts.

If you want to get your own Hatch Rest, click the link here for my affiliate! I only signed up for an affiliate because I TRULY believe in this product and would never promote something I didn’t love.

If you are struggling with sleep and need help getting on a schedule with your little one, my three week program can help! Click to book a free sleep assessment call with me, no strings attached.

Sleep doesn’t have to be a struggle. It can be an enjoyable time where you bond with your child. Let me help you make that a reality. Think about how nice it would be to turn on the sound machine, put your baby to bed, and go sit on the couch with a nice glass of wine or some Netflix. *cue the starry eyes*


Why does my baby always wake up so early?


Night weaning and sleep training.. not the same thing!